Faith & Finance
Getting Established Stewardship Seminar
WHEN | Saturday, September 21, 2024 8:30-9:30am
WHERE | RMCC Family Room
Join us for an educational seminar that will provide biblical insights and effective planning tools to help you establish a solid financial foundation and confidently navigate this challenging stage of life.
Create a biblically based will at no cost
Learn and apply key biblical financial principles
Build a secure future for you and your family
Leaving a Legacy Stewardship Seminar
WHEN | Saturday, September 21, 2024 10:00-11:15am
WHERE | RMCC Family Room
Join us for an educational seminar and receive biblical insights and effective planning tools to help you use what God has entrusted to you to bear fruit for generations to come.
Develop a biblical estate plan
Explore the hidden potential of non-cash assets
Identify giving tools that support your charitable objectives